Thursday, August 5, 2010


On the last Saturday of July I returned once again to Sticks and Stones Farm in Newtown, Connecticut (see previous post for that adventure) Tim Currier invited me to come back and see the progress on the garden he was building for Marc Keane, so of course I took him up on this offer! The following photographs document my visit:

Entrance Sign - hard to find if you don't know where to look. It's a good thing I already knew where this place was after passing it everyday - your GPS will tell you you're arriving there a few miles before you get there!

The stone barn.

Cool twig structure.

Cool truck.

The work site.

If you squint you can see that the stones snake around to create a ravine, if you squint harder you will see some red and yellow lines on the stones marking grade level, so there will be mosses covering up to those lines. The 3 large stones in the back are the Priests.

Tim displaying the patio - the only stones that did not come from his property. To his left will be a large stone/water feature.

Tim pretending he is the large tree that will occupy that space. There will also be a wooden boardwalk that will wrap around the 400 square foot garden.

Back to work.

Woman pressing Climacium dendroides into the labyrinth.

Pile of sifted "moss soil" - very soft and acidic.

Trays growing Climacium dendroides in a lowland area.

Moss chosen to work into planters... this one. Beautiful.

Hypnum imponens growing out of Leucobryum glaucum.

Quercus evidence.

Wonderful layered texture of the tall deciduous trees, the twisted branches of the Kalmia and the dense, bubbly Leucobryum et. al. turf.

The shiny, curly leaves of Hypnum imponens.

Sun kissed.
